IBO 2025: The International Biology Olympiad (IBO) is the final stage of the science Olympiad in which only those candidates appears who already cleared the previous stages i.e. NSEB, INBO, OSC, PDT/ PDC.
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The 35th IBO Olympiad will be organised at 7-14 July 2025 at Nazarbayev University, in Astana, Kazakhstan. The deadline of the registration has been already gone. So those candidates who qualified the all previous stage of the Olympiad and selected for the final stage they can check here the complete details for the IBO Exam 2025.
IBO Exam Dates 2025
The 35th IBO examination schedule is given below under the table.
Events |
Dates |
Deadline for the country registration |
Check Below Link |
Conduction of Exam |
7th- 14th July 2025 |
Participation in the IBO
There are 2 types of membership is included for the participation in IBO i.e. official, future membership.
Official Membership:
When the following membership duties are fulfilled then official membership starts
- Providing the description of their national biology Olympiad using the online form available at the official website of IBO.
- Providing the CC with an official letter of their Ministry of Education.
- Paying the annual membership fee to the CC.
Future Membership, Hosts and Participation:
The IBO member countries can invite a representative from an IBO to observe and advice about their NBO procedures. The organizer of IBOs can send 2 jury members providing that these two people will belong to the official team organizing the future IBO with preferably one of them nominated as the chairperson of the International Jury.
Maintaining Membership and Participation
Every year an AB meeting is conducted in which the list of countries receiving an invitation for next IBO will be confirmed. Countries not fulfilling their duties will not be invited.
Competitors in the National Team
The selected four students who will participate in the IBO must be participants and winners of the final round of the National Biology Olympiad (NBO). All delegations participating in the IBO will have to arrange their own insurance for accidents, healthcare and travelling.
Also Check: Carrier Guidance For Student || National And International Olympiads
Participation Rules: Member Countries, Students, Subgroup and Jury Members, Competition Rules
Participation Rules |
Details |
Member Countries |
- The Ministry of Education for each country officially appoints a Coordinator and a deputy, both citizens of that country to lead their competing teams.
- Every coordinator is to notify the IBO host before the last date the names and gender of their competitors participating in the IBO.
- Those countries which not able to do so should contact the IBO host and clarify their delay.
- In the case of a change of the national flag of a country the coordinator of that country has to inform the IBO host and the Coordinating Centre.
- Political or religious propaganda carried on by teams participating in the IBO is strongly disapproved and will be judged as a violation of rules.
- IBO Members need to fulfill the following requirements annually:
- Updated online description of the NBO National Biology Olympiad
- Payment of the membership fee to the CC
- Payment of the participation fee to the host country
- Communicating changes of the Coordinators to the CC
- Each member country has to indicate within a reasonable time after its first appearance in the competition when it will organize the IBO.
Students |
- Participation in the IBO is restricted to competitors who:
- Are students of a regular secondary school for general education in the country concerned
- Not obtained a diploma allowing to study at a university or equivalent institution.
- Are the winners of the NBO of the current school year.
- Not trained or instructed within a selected group of 50 or fewer students comprising the IBO team for a period longer than two weeks.
- Are born on the 1st of July or later of the actual IBO year minus twenty
- Have not participated twice in the IBO
- Have not yet started study at university or an equivalent institution as regular or full time students
- Have not participated as observers or jury members in previous IBOs.
Subgroup and Jury Members |
- Each subgroup consists of at least six Jury members, including the chairperson or another member of the SC ex officio, to review the practical and theoretical examinations.
- Practical or paper materials should be made available to the Subgroup, should not leave the meeting room and remain confidential. The subgroup will be chaired by the chairperson of the International Jury, who is appointed by the host country of that year.
- The host can choose subgroup members from a list of volunteers, but also keeps the possibility to choose their own members.
Competition Rules |
- The organizer will inform the GA meeting of the nature of the practical papers for the following IBO, so all countries coordinators are informed about the practical areas.
- For practical part:
- Safety regulations need to be observed
- No experiments should be carried out which cause suffering and / or killing of vertebrates
- Handling of species protected by law in the host country or by International Conventions (i.e. CITES) is not permitted.
NCERT Complete Details
IBO 2025 Syllabus
Before going to the exam students must need to check the syllabus of IBO. The syllabus consists of complete details i.e. name of the chapter and the topics which come in the exam. The complete IBO Syllabus is given below under the table.
Part I- Theoretical Part of IBO
Name of The Chapter |
Name of The Topic |
Cell Biology |
- Structure and Function of Cells
- Microbiology
- Biotechnology
Plant Anatomy and Physiology |
- Photosynthesis, transpiration and gas exchange
- Transport of water, minerals and assimilates
- Growth and development
- Reproduction (ferns and mosses included)
Animal Anatomy and Physiology |
- Digestion and nutrition
- Respiration
- Circulation
- Excretion
- Regulation (neural and hormonal)
- Reproduction and development
- Immunity
Ethology |
- Methodology of Ethology
- Innate and Learned Behaviour
- Communication and social organization
- Foraging behavior
- Defensive behavior
- Mating systems and Parental care
- Biological rhythms
Genetics and Evolution |
- Variation
- Mendelian Inheritance
- Multiple allelism, recombination, sex linkage
- Hardy-Weinberg principle
- Mechanism of evolution
Ecology |
- Individual Organisms
- Population
- Biotic Communities
- Ecosystems
- Biosphere and man
Biosystematics |
- Structure and function
- evolutionary and ecological relationships among typical organisms in the following groups.
- Knowledge of scientific terms will not be required. However, competitors should know what the named representatives of genera mentioned below look like.
- The IBO biosystematics list is an integral part of chapter VII in Appendix I of the IBO-Guide.
Part II- Basic Skills For The Practical Part of the IBO
Types of Skills |
Topics |
Science Process Skills |
- Observation
- Measurement
- Grouping or Classification
- Relationship finding
- Calculation
- Data organization and presentation: tables, graph, diagrams and charts, photographs
- Prediction/ Projection
- Hypothesis formulation
- Operational definition: Scope, condition, assumption
- Variable identification and control
- Experimentation: experimental design, experimenting, result/ data recording, result interpretation and drawing conclusions
- Representing numerical results with appropriate accuracy
Basic Biological Skills |
- Observation of biological objects using magnifying glasses.
- Work with a microscope (objective max. 45 x)
- Work with a stereomicroscope Drawing of preparations (from a microscope, etc.)
- Exact description of a biological drawing using tables of biological terms marked with a numerical code
Biological Methods |
- For the IBO exam the competitor should know the following methods and be able to use them.
- Cytological methods
- Methods to study plant anatomy and physiology
- Methods to study animal anatomy and physiology
- Ethological methods
- Ecological and environmental methods
- Taxonomic methods
Physical and Chemical Methods |
- Separation techniques: chromatography, filtration, centrifugation
- Standard tests for monosaccharides, polysaccharides, lipids, protein (Fehling, I2 in KI(aq), biuret)
- Titration
- Measuring quantities by drip and strip methods
- Dilution methods
- Pipetting, including use of micropipettes Microscopy, including use of counting chambers Determination of absorption of light
- Gel electrophoresis
Microbiological methods |
- Preparing nutrient media
- Aseptic techniques (flaming and heating glass material)
- Inoculation techniques
Statistical methods |
- Probability and probability distributions
- Application of mean, median, percentage, variance, standard deviation, standard error, T test, chi-square test
Handling equipment |
- Due to differences in the equipment between IBO member countries, these skills can only be evaluated if the competitors have been informed beforehand about the algorithm, how to use the equipment, how to proceed with a particular experiment
IBO Papers (Previous Year)
We are providing here the IBO Previous Year Paper of last five years. To take idea of the exam pattern and the type of question come in the exam candidate can download the previous year paper. The IBO Olympiad Questions paper provided below under the table.
IBO 2025 Results
After the exam is conducted the result is released. Students are able to check their IBO result from the official site of IBO i.e. www.ibo2025.kz. The result consists of the code, name of the candidate, rank, practical marks, theory marks, etc. We will provide here a Direct link to the IBO Exam Results and also the procedure to check it from the official link.
We provided here complete information regarding the IBO 2025. If there is any query please feel free to share with us through the comment box given below. We will reply as soon as possible.
IBO 2025: Official Site