Tamil Nadu Schools Admission 2018-19
Tamil Nadu is also one of a literate state in India. The literacy rate of Tamil Nadu was 80.33% in the year 2011. Tamil Nadu has similar education pattern i.e (10+2+3) year course. All students have to go through primary school, middle school, secondary school and higher secondary school level education. The Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE, Tamil Nadu) is responsible for school education in the state. It conducts and supervises the educational functions in Tamil Nadu. Remember that medium of instruction in Tamil Nadu is English, Hindi and Tamil. The most of the private schools provide education in English medium but government schools provide the education in the Tamil language. All Kendriya Vidyalaya which functioning under central government serves the education through Hindi medium also. Most of Schools are affiliated to TN Board or Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) or CISCE.
So all the candidates who are going to take participate in the Tamil Nadu Schools Admission 2018-19 they can check here procedure to get selected. We are giving Tamilnadu Schools Entrance Exams 2017 for conducting admissions in schools.